Consumer psychology

What is emotion marketing and how strong could be triggering emotions in marketing strategy

  Starting to write this article dedicated to the topic of Emotions Marketing, we will start by presenting some situation on the market. In the 1970s, the average person saw between 500 and 1,600 ads a day. It is estimated that modern Sapiens see from 4,000 to 10,000 advertising messages per day. Can you feel the scale of how many organisations are fighting to get our attention?  Facebook ads itself reach 2.11 billion people, while whole Meta and YouTube earn billions of dollars a year for displaying their users’ ads. Ads are among us every day, even if…

Behavioural economics – what is it and examples

  Have you ever wondered if there is another or additional way to increase the conversion rate on your website? If so, have you considered implementing behavioral economics practices? This is a field of science that will move not only the hearts (emotions) of your potential customers, but also their minds. Thanks to this, you will finally stand out from the crowd and be remembered. If you are interested in how to behavioral economics into your business or marketing strategy, click on this link. In this article you will learn: What is behavioral economics and what…

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